
What is Trending Videos section?
Trending Videos section is a section under “Latest” in the left vertical menu. It lists the most active and viewed videos.
Tue, 24 Apr, 2018 at 3:58 PM
How do I view Trending Videos?
Once you are signed into Portal, Click on top left Logo link or “Latest” link in left menu. This will default to the “Most Recent” Videos. Click on “Trend...
Tue, 24 Apr, 2018 at 4:00 PM
How do I view all uploads done in the past?
Once you are signed into Portal, Click on “History” link in the left menu. This will load list of all Videos uploaded untill date.
Tue, 24 Apr, 2018 at 4:01 PM
How do I view all uploads done by a particular user?
You can view all uploads done by a particular user by clicking on Author Name. Below screen shows all Videos uploaded by an author.
Tue, 24 Apr, 2018 at 4:03 PM
What are the Video file formats supported for upload?
User can upload any Video format file, PPT, PDF file.
Tue, 24 Apr, 2018 at 4:04 PM
How do I customize Home Page (Front Page)?
Once you are signed in CircleHD Portal, click on the “Latest” link in the left menu. Then click on the Settings icon in the main content area towards the ...
Tue, 24 Apr, 2018 at 4:07 PM
How do I view CircleHD Terms of Service?
You can view CircleHD Terms of service by clicking the link “Terms of Service” in the footer or by going directly to  
Tue, 24 Apr, 2018 at 4:09 PM
2.19 How do I view CircleHD Privacy Policy?
You can view the CircleHD Privacy Policies by clicking the link “Privacy Policy” in the footer of the portal or by going directly to https://www.circlehd.c...
Tue, 24 Apr, 2018 at 4:09 PM
What is a leaderboard?
Leaderboard displays the most active Author based on his number of Videos uploaded, ratings and views.
Tue, 24 Apr, 2018 at 4:11 PM
How do I view the Leaderboard?
Once signed into CircleHD portal, click on the “Explore” link in the top navigation. Leaderboard will be displayed in the right side of main content area.
Tue, 24 Apr, 2018 at 4:13 PM