Slack Integration can be achieved on the Portal Settings page within CircleHD Portal. Note that “Portal Settings” access is restricted to Admins only, and they can view or edit them as needed. If you are an Admin, please follow below steps to edit portal settings:
- Once you are logged into CircleHD portal, in the top right header, there will be a user icon and a drop down arrow next to it. Click on the icon or drop down arrow to load the user options. Depending on the type of user access, you may see limited options in the drop down.
- Click on “Portal Settings” option in the top right drop down list under “Administration” section, this will load your portal settings page as shown below.
- On the Portal Settings page, click “Enable Slack” button in the left, under “Slack Integration”. This will load the Slack integration page.
- On Slack Integration page, in the top right, you can sign into your workspace. Once you are signed in, click on the “Post to” drop down in the center content, and click “Authorize”. This will complete the slack integration with CircleHD Portal.